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Separation and Divorce Specialist


This is often the most traumatic and stressful event to experience.  Our goal? To alleviate some the that stress, decrease the level of trauma and emotional drain, decrease the cost and help your family move to the healing stage in a timely manner. 

What is a Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist?

A Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS) is an accredited financial professional who has received specialized training through the Academy of Financial Divorce Specialists in matters related to separation and divorce in order to provide an objective assessment of potential financial settlement scenarios. 


A Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist does not offer legal opinion or advice. A CFDS follows a strict code of Ethics as monitored by both the Academy of Financial Divorce Specialists and other relevant licensing authorities.


How & when does a CFDS enter the divorce process?

A CFDS can be recruited directly by one or both parties and/or one or both lawyers or a mediator.  A Letter of Engagement outlining the scope of services and cost is signed by the clients at the outset.  A CFDS can work within the litigation, mediation or collaborative process.  A retainer is secured based on the estimated amount of time to be devoted to the case including analysis and projections for various settlement options plus other mutually agreed upon services. 


A CFDS can be engaged at any time in the process of separation and divorce:  At the beginning to help collect financial data required, during deliberations to help analyze financial proposals and close to the end to evaluate scenarios and prepare future based projections to aid in the decision making process.


Role of the Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist:

To assist lawyers and/or mediators in designing a settlement proposal that will maximize clients’ satisfaction considering the available financial options. 


Provide financial analysis of the couples assets, liabilities, incomes, child and spousal support payments taking into consideration inflation and changing tax consequences.


Provide insight with respect to pension plans and other investment and insurance options including ongoing protection.


Show options for financial scenarios with future projections.


Educate clients about the tax and other financial consequences of retaining or giving up certain assets


Counsel clients on budget management during a difficult period of transitioning.

  • Financial Settlement​

  • Budget/cash flow management

  • Mediator

  • Wills & POA

  • Financing/Re-financing

  • Other

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